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Dancing Senegal Parrot


Type: Senegal Parrot
Genus: Poicephalus
Species: Senegalus
Subspecies: Mesotypus
Sex: Female
Weight: 120 grams
Height: 9 inches
Age: 16 years, 2 months
Caped Cape Parrot


Type: Cape Parrot
Genus: Poicephalus
Subspecies: Fuscicollis
Sex: Male
Weight: 330 grams
Height: 13 inches
Age: 14 years, 6 months
Blue and Gold Macaw


Type: Blue & Gold Macaw
Genus: Ara
Sex: Female
Weight: 850 grams
Height: 26 inches
Age: 12 years, 2 months
Trick Training Guides
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Flight Recall
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Turn Around
Flighted Fetch
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Additional Top Articles
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Getting Your First Parrot
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Kili's Stroller Trick
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Kili on David Letterman
Cape Parrot Review
Roudybush Pellets

List of Common Parrots:

Budgerigar (Budgie)
Alexandrine Parakeet
African Ringneck
Indian Ringneck
Monk Parakeet (Quaker Parrot)

Mexican Parrotlet
Green Rumped Parrotlet
Blue Winged Parrotlet
Spectacled Parrotlet
Dusky Billed Parrotlet
Pacific Parrotlet
Yellow Faced Parrotlet

Peach Faced Lovebird
Masked Lovebird
Fischer's Lovebird
Lilian's (Nyasa) Lovebird
Black Cheeked Lovebird
Madagascar Lovebird
Abyssinian Lovebird
Red Faced Lovebird
Swindern's Lovebird

Lories and Lorikeets:
Rainbow Lorikeet

Sun Conure
Jenday Conure
Cherry Headed Conure
Blue Crowned Conure
Mitred Conure
Patagonian Conure
Green Cheeked Conure
Nanday Conure

Black Headed Caique
White Bellied Caique

Poicephalus Parrots:
Senegal Parrot
Meyer's Parrot
Red Bellied Parrot
Brown Headed Parrot
Jardine's Parrot
Cape Parrot
Ruppell's Parrot

Eclectus Parrot

African Greys:
Congo African Grey (CAG)
Timneh African Grey (TAG)

Blue Fronted Amazon
Yellow Naped Amazon
Yellow Headed Amazon
Orange Winged Amazon
Yellow Crowned Amazon

Galah (Rose Breasted) Cockatoo
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Umbrella Cockatoo
Moluccan Cockatoo
Bare Eyed Cockatoo
Goffin's Cockatoo

Red Shouldered (Hahn's) Macaw
Severe Macaw
Blue And Gold Macaw
Blue Throated Macaw
Military Macaw
Red Fronted Macaw
Scarlet Macaw
Green Winged Macaw
Hyacinth Macaw

Glossary of Common Parrot Terms

Turning Truman Loose in the Aviary

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By Michael Sazhin

Saturday August 28th, 2010

It has been over 3 weeks since Truman's injury. He is by no means healed but he is definitely doing better. I have started bringing him out into the aviary but inside of another cage so that he wouldn't move around too much. Today, for the first time, I left him out in the actually aviary for some duration of time. I hung a rope perch and a toy and he spent nearly an hour on there. I'm still not providing him major opportunities to fly around but it doesn't seem like he really wants to at this stage anyway. I did put a training perch in nearby in case he fell off the swing so that he would have a place to fly to.

I decided that for now Truman is better off spending some time loose in the aviary than in his normal cage. I'm going to wait another week before returning him to the cage but instead will let him spend a few hours a day in the aviary. You see, in the cage he can fall down and is more likely to hurt his leg again. In the aviary, there is enough room that he can fly and probably land on the cage walls. I did not hang additional toys/perches yet so that I'm not tempting Truman to fly around too much for now. What do you think of his toys so far?

Cheapest Parrot Toy You Can Easily Make

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By Michael Sazhin

Thursday July 22nd, 2010

One of the simplest and cheapest sources of parrot fun is actually nothing more than clothespins (the wooden ones that you use to hang clothes to dry on a string). Mainly these feathered little devils just need something to keep their beak occupied and it really isn't worth putting out too much money on fancy toys that will be broken in no time.

Clothespins are simply one of the cheapest sources of chewable wood for parrots. Truman's breeder actually suggested this to me and said that she's been serving them to her parrots for many years without issue. I bought a pack of 72 wooden clothespins for just $1 at the 99 cent store. I simply twist the clothespins and pop the springs out and it makes for 2 wooden sticks. That is 144 wooden sticks for $1. That comes out to less than one cent per bundle of fun.

The clothespins sticks can be used as a reward for training. Occasionally I'll give Truman a break from training by rewarding him with a clothespin and he happily chews on it for 10 minutes. Alternatively they can be used to make a toy by drilling holes in the sticks and then hanging them on a stainless steel or aluminum wire.

New Toys For Cape Parrot

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By Michael Sazhin

Friday July 2nd, 2010

I went out to buy some more perches for Truman because he was having trouble reaching perches in his cage. I bought a comfy rope perch to hang diagonally across the cage to make it a bit easier for him to get up and get around. I added some more intermediate perches to help him get from the bars to the perches. Eventually I should be able to remove this safety perches but for now he is clumsy and these save his butt from falling down an extra time. I also needed to buy perches to use to make special training stands for Truman similar to Kili's.

Since I drove nearly an hour to get to this wholesale place for parrot supplies, I figured I'd make the most of it. I bought a year's worth of toys and some additional swings/perches. I didn't buy any toys for Kili - not only because she has a ton of old toys I can reuse - but also cause when Truman breaks his toys down to smaller pieces, I'll be able to recycle them and make smaller toys for Kili out of those. This way, effectively I can spend one bird's worth on toys and keep a second equally well supplied.

I bought a boing to put in Truman's cage eventually. I got him a large bird kebab, a rope swing, new basketball prop, swinging ladder, comfy perch, and a bunch of other toys. I also got a handful of mounting clasps. Not that I lose them, but somehow certain toys end up coming without them and I always find myself borrowing clasps from other toys. Now I should be set for a long time and will be able to rotate toys for Kili and Truman without having to do any more shopping.

Here is a video showing off Truman's wondrous shopping list worth of toys and then gives you a look inside his cage. You can see the way I changed the set up around to make it a bit easier for him to climb around. He's been having trouble climbing the dome top and the vertical bars. The cage is great for a smarter/older bird but kind of tough for a baby parrot to get used to because there are many aluminum dividers that make getting from one set of bars to the next difficult.

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Trained Parrot is a blog about how to train tricks to all parrots and parakeets. Read about how I teach tricks to Truman the Brown Necked Cape Parrot including flight recall, shake, wave, nod, turn around, fetch, wings, and play dead. Learn how you can train tricks to your Parrot, Parrotlet, Parakeet, Lovebird, Cockatiel, Conure, African Grey, Amazon, Cockatoo or Macaw. This blog is better than books or DVDs because the information is real, live, and completely free of charge. If you want to know how to teach your parrot tricks then you will enjoy this free parrot training tutorial.
Trained Parrot site content Copyright 2010-2020 Michael Sazhin. Reproduction of text, images, or videos without prior permission prohibited. All rights reserved.